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This committee shall be custodian of the appointments of the Altar. It shall change the paraments, fill altar candles, and replenish attendance cards and envelopes. It shall prepare for special services such as baptism, Lent, Easter, Christmas, weddings, and other special occasions. It shall be custodian of memorial gifts and see that requests are honored.
Pastor is ex-official member of all committees.
Worship Assistant Duties
Acolytes should:
Be there before church starts to light the candles. They are to wear the robes found in the cabinet in the sacristy (front room).
Always pause at the center of the altar. Light the candles during the organ prelude. Candles are lit top to bottom. Right side first and then left side.
Go extinguish the candles when we start the last hymn. Candles are extinguished bottom to top. Left side first and then right side. Before extinguishing the last candle, light the candle lighter to carry the light back out. You must blow the flame out once back in the room.
Never touch the gold part of the candle lighters.
If there are two acolytes, both go to the center of the alter and pause then each go to one side. Light from the top to the bottom. Extinguish from the bottom to the top.
If you are unable to perform the duties assigned, please notify the church office at 512-281-0056.
Thank you for serving.

Women of New Sweden
All women of the New Sweden Lutheran Congregation are considered members of the Women of New Sweden. This group contributes to the workings of the church by helping with functions and fund raisers to help maintain the facilities, as well as spiritual ministries to members and the community and the world.